Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

               +--Jacques Sauvageau  (-UNKNOWN)
            +--Jean Sauvageau  (21 JUL 1600-12 SEP 1662)
            |  +--Renée Coypeau  (-UNKNOWN)
         +--Claude Sauvageau  (10 MAY 1643-19 APR 1694)
         |  +--Madeleine Ouvre  (ABT 1604-UNKNOWN)
      +--Alexis Sauvageau  (1672-20 FEB 1748/49)
      |  |  +--Isaac Legendre  (1610-WFT Est 1630-1710)
      |  +--Jeanne Legendre  (1636-1 MAR 1713/14)
      |     +--Claude Lentonne  (1610-WFT Est 1630-1716)
   +--Alexis-Augustin Sauvageau  (24 APR 1695-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--Martin Martin  (ABT 1648-17 FEB 1704/05)
   |  +--Marguerite Massé  (ABT 14 MAY 1679-24 DEC 1744)
   |     |     +--Unknown David  (ABT 1599-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  +--Claude David  (ABT 1626-30 NOV 1687)
   |     |  |  +-- Unknown  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Thérèse David  (4 SEP 1664-SEP 1727)
   |        |  +--Jean De Noyon  (ABT 1601-UNKNOWN)
   |        +--Suzanne De Noyon  (3 APR 1626-11 MAY 1701)
   |           +--Jeanne Francfort  (ABT 1606-UNKNOWN)
+--Joseph-Marie Sauvageau  (FEB 1725/26-DEC 1758)
|  |        +--Julien Germain  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |     +--Robert Germain  (1639-27 DEC 1723)
|  |     |  +--Julienne Bevais  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Germain-Henri Germain-Belisle  (-JAN 1762)
|  |  |  |  +--François Coignart  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |  +--Marie Coignart  (1643-22 MAY 1715)
|  |  |     +--Françoise Petit  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Marguerite Germain-Bélisle  (1700-25 APR 1751)
|     +--Genevieve Marcotte  (-UNKNOWN)
Joseph-Marie Sauvageau  (NOV 1758-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Bernard Brunet  (1614-WFT Est 1668-1728)
|  +--François Brunet  (1665-7 JAN 1741/42)
|  |  +--Marie Barathe  (1623-WFT Est 1668-1734)
+--Marie-Francoise Brunet  (29 SEP 1718-WFT Est 1755-1813)
   |     +--René Letartre  (1627-SEP 1699)
   |  +--Charles Letartre  (1657-6 AUG 1714)
   |  |  +--Louise Goulet  (26 AUG 1628-ABT 1699)
   +--Marie-Louise Letarte  (23 SEP 1679-16 SEP 1731)
      |     +--Jean Maheu  (ABT 1600-WFT Est 1646-1706)
      |  +--Pierre Maheu  (23 DEC 1630-2 MAY 1717)
      |  |  +--Michelle Chauvin  (ABT 1600-WFT Est 1646-1712)
      +--Marie Maheu  (21 JAN 1662/63-APR 1725)
         |     +--Robert Drouin  (ABT 1580-WFT Est 1609-1669)
         |  +--Robert Drouin  (6 AUG 1607-1 JUN 1685)
         |  |  +--Marie Dubois  (ABT 1580-UNKNOWN)
         +--Jeanne Drouin  (2 FEB 1646/47-23 JUN 1732)
            |        +--Nicolas Cloutier  (1544-ABT 1590)
            |     +--Denis Cloutier  (1565-2 MAR 1632/33)
            |     |  +--Inc Inconnue  (1543-UNKNOWN)
            |  +--Zacharie Cloutier  (18 JUL 1590-17 SEP 1677)
            |  |  |  +--Denis Brière  (1537-1587)
            |  |  +--Marie-Renée Brière  (1570-1 MAY 1608)
            |  |     +--Jeanne Gaultier-Rahir  (1543-UNKNOWN)
            +--Ann Cloutier  (19 JAN 1625/26-4 FEB 1647/48)
               |     +--Denis Dupont  (ABT 1540-UNKNOWN)
               |  +--Paul Michel Dupont  (1570-8 APR 1608)
               |  |  +--Xaintine Aubrey  (WFT Est 1546-1572-WFT Est 1595-1659)
               +--Xainte Dupont  (1595-13 JUL 1680)
                  +--Perrine Inconnue  (1576-UNKNOWN)


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