Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

      +--René dit Villoche Maillot  (9 APR 1730-UNKNOWN)
   +--Joseph Maillot  (AFT 1754-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        +--Pierre Paris  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     +--Francois Paris  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     |  +--Cardine Roussel  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--Pierre Paris  (BET 1680 AND 1700-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |     +--Francois Rabouin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |  +--Jean Rabouin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |  |  +--Marguerite Chassay  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  +--Marie Rabouin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     |     +--Jean Ardion  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     |  +--Pierre Ardion  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     |  |  +--Marie Labbe  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     +--Marguerite Ardion  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |        |  +--Thomas Soret  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |        +--Suzanne Soret  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |           +--Marie Simon  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Josephte Paris LeMadeleine  (BET 1730 AND 1738-UNKNOWN)
   |     |        +--Jacques Tellier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |     +--Etienne Tellier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |     |  +--Catherine Guillot  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  +--Francois Tellier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |  |     +--Jean Mezeray  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |  |  +--René Mezeray-Nopces  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |  |  |  +--Anne Olivier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |  +--Genevieve Mezeray  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |     |  +--Pierre Gareman-LePicard  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |     +--Nicole Gareman  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  |        +--Madeleine Charlot  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Marie-Jeanne Tellier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |        |     +--Raymond Page-Carsy  (-UNKNOWN)
   |        |  +--Robert Pagé  (-UNKNOWN)
   |        |  |  +--Madeleine Bergeron  (-UNKNOWN)
   |        +--Anne Pagé  (-UNKNOWN)
   |           |     +--Louis Gandin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |           |  +--Barthelemi Gandin  (1608-UNKNOWN)
   |           |  |  |  +--Jacques Francois  (-UNKNOWN)
   |           |  |  +--Marie Francois  (-UNKNOWN)
   |           |  |     +--Jeanne Herbert  (-UNKNOWN)
   |           +--Marguerite Gandin  (AFT 1646-UNKNOWN)
   |              |  +--Guillaume Cognac  (-UNKNOWN)
   |              +--Marthe Cognac  (1606-6 NOV 1689)
   |                 +--Yves Pinsonneau  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Joseph dit Viloche Maillot  (BEF 1768-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Charles Beauchesne  (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Margerite Beauchesne  (BEF 1768-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Marie-Genevieve Pierre-Richard  (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
LéAndré Maillot  (WFT Est 1790-1818-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Charles Houde  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Joseph Houle  (ABT 1761-7 MAY 1829)
|  |  +--Marie-Etienne Houde  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Marie Houle  (ABT 1782-UNKNOWN)
   |                 +--Inconnu Rivard  (-UNKNOWN)
   |              +--Thomas Rivard  (1560-14 SEP 1620)
   |              |  +--Francoise Chasteau  (-UNKNOWN)
   |           +--Pierre Rivard  (7 JAN 1590/91-16 MAR 1650/51)
   |           |  +--Jeanne Chevreau  (ABT 1575-SEP 1620)
   |        +--Nicolas Rivard-Lavigne  (10 JUN 1617-30 JUN 1701)
   |        |  |  +--Robert Mullard  (1567-6 MAR 1613/14)
   |        |  +--Jeanne Mullard  (9 JUL 1597-21 APR 1649)
   |        |     |     +--Thomas Lousche  (-AFT 21 JAN 1563/64)
   |        |     |  +--Francois Lousche  (1535-AFT 26 NOV 1604)
   |        |     |  |  |  +--Jean Mercier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |        |     |  |  +--Perrine Mercier  (1505-UNKNOWN)
   |        |     +--Francoise Lousche  (1565-5 MAR 1612/13)
   |        |        +--Martine Portier  (-16 JUL 1582)
   |     +--Nicolas Rivard-Lavigne  (21 FEB 1653/54-DEC 1719)
   |  +--Francois Rivard  (AFT 1709-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     +--Francois Marien  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  +--Louis Marien  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |  +--Catherine Mariar  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--Francoise Marien  (BET 1670 AND 1685-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     |  +--Claude Philippeau  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     +--Francoise Philippeau  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        +--Jeanne Enard  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Marie Rivard  (ABT 1755-9 APR 1838)
      |     +--Jacques Papillau-Perigny  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Jean Baptiste Papillau-Perigny  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  +--Renêe Michaud  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Thérèse Papillau-Perigny  (AFT 1696-UNKNOWN)
         |     +--Jacques Morand  (-UNKNOWN)
         |  +--Pierre Morand  (-UNKNOWN)
         |  |  +--Marie Jorche  (-UNKNOWN)
         +--Marie Morand  (AFT 1677-UNKNOWN)
            |        +--Jean Grimard  (-UNKNOWN)
            |     +--Elie Grimard  (-UNKNOWN)
            |     |  +--Perrette Merlie  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  +--Jean Grimard  (-UNKNOWN)
            |  |  +--Anne Perrin  (-UNKNOWN)
            +--Marie-Madeleine Grimard  (AFT 1661-UNKNOWN)
               |  +--Henri Reynier  (-UNKNOWN)
               +--Christine Reynier  (-UNKNOWN)
                  +--Anne Blauvin  (-UNKNOWN)


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