+--Pierre-Louis Lemieux (BET 1560 AND 1580-UNKNOWN) +--Gabriel Lemieux (1613-2 DEC 1699) | +--Marie Lugan (BET 1580 AND 1600-UNKNOWN) +--Gabriel Lemieux (4 SEP 1663-UNKNOWN) | | +--Guillaume LeBoeuf (-UNKNOWN) | +--Marguerite LeBoeuf (1638-UNKNOWN) | +--Marguerite Millau (-UNKNOWN) +--Pierre-Gabriel Lemieux (6 OCT 1700-UNKNOWN) | +--Jeanne Robidoux (BET 1660 AND 1675-UNKNOWN) Francois Lemieux (24 NOV 1727-UNKNOWN) | +--Jean DuMet (WFT Est 1600-1618-UNKNOWN) | +--Etienne DuMet (BEF 1633-UNKNOWN) | | +--Miotte Lacombe (WFT Est 1600-1618-UNKNOWN) | +--Joseph Demers (1658-1 DEC 1729) | | +--Francois Morin (BEF 1633-UNKNOWN) +--Marie-Josephe Demers (BEF 1708-UNKNOWN) | +--Pierre Perras (-UNKNOWN) +--Marguerite Perras (1661-15 MAY 1708) +--Denise Lemaistre (-UNKNOWN)
Mayrand Family Association
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