+--Jacques Michel (-UNKNOWN) +--Pierre Michel (BET 1690 AND 1721-UNKNOWN) | | +--Pierre Commeau (-UNKNOWN) | | +--Etienne Commeau (AFT 1641-UNKNOWN) | | | +--Rose Bayol (-UNKNOWN) | +--Catherine Commeaux (-UNKNOWN) | +--Marie Lefebvre (-UNKNOWN) Joseph Michel (-UNKNOWN) | +--Pierre Guilbeau (-UNKNOWN) | +--Charles Guilbaut (-UNKNOWN) | | | +--Jean Terrien (-UNKNOWN) | | +--Catherine Terriot (-UNKNOWN) | | | +--Simon Bourg (1590-UNKNOWN) | | +--Perrine Bourg (1610-1686) | | +-- Unknown (-UNKNOWN) +--Anne Guilbaut (AFT 1701-UNKNOWN) | +--Simon Bourg (1576-WFT Est 1612-1667) | +--Antoine Bourg (1609-1686) | | +--Hélène Comtée (1579-WFT Est 1611-1673) | +--Bernard Bourg (AFT 1636-UNKNOWN) | | | +--Vincent Landry (1570-WFT Est 1595-1661) | | | +--Martin Landry (1590-1 SEP 1642) | | | | +--Marguerite Thibeault (1575-WFT Est 1593-1669) | | +--Antoinette Landry (1618-1686) | | +--Marie Mathieux (1595-WFT Est 1622-1689) +--Anne Bourg (-UNKNOWN) | +--Vincent Brun (-UNKNOWN) +--Francoise Brun (-UNKNOWN) +--Marie Breaux (-UNKNOWN)
Mayrand Family Association
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