Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

            +--Charles Gauthier  (1670-UNKNOWN)
         +--Pierre Gauthier-Dit-Le Poitevin  (1699-10 APR 1756)
         |  |  +--Simon Arnaud  (-UNKNOWN)
         |  +--Catherine Arnaud  (1674-UNKNOWN)
         |     +--Anne Isanard  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Pierre Gauthier  (28 JUL 1727-1825)
      |  |     +--Antoine Arcand  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  +--Simon Arcand dit Bordelais  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  |  +--Jeanne Poulet  (BEF 1660-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Marguerite Arcand  (13 JUN 1706-AFT 13 MAY 1744)
      |     |  +--Paul Pierre Inard-dit-Provancal  (BEF 1654-UNKNOWN)
      |     +--Anne Isnard-dit-Provancal  (1674-UNKNOWN)
      |        |  +--Toussaint Bonville-Bonheur  (BEF 1643-UNKNOWN)
      |        +--Marie Bonville-Bonheur  (BEF 1658-UNKNOWN)
      |           +--Louise Belheur  (WFT Est 1597-1634-WFT Est 1631-1718)
   +--Simon Gauthier  (12 OCT 1760-1870)
   |  |                 +--Jehan Peron  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |              +--Jean Peron  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |              |  +--Inc Inconnue  (1543-UNKNOWN)
   |  |           +--François Perron  (10 NOV 1615-SEP 1665)
   |  |           |  +--Marie Peneau  (1635-2 APR 1635)
   |  |        +--Daniel-François Perron-Suire  (25 NOV 1638-22 FEB 1677/78)
   |  |        |  +-- Unkown  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     +--Jean Perron-Suire  (10 AUG 1672-1745)
   |  |     |  +--Louise Gargottine  (1641-10 NOV 1698)
   |  |  +--Jean-Baptiste Perron  (APR 1700-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |           +--Vorle Gaudin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |        +--Claude Gaudin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |        |  +--Brigitte Grauzier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |     +--Jacques Gaudin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |     |  +--Marie Bardin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |  +--Charles Gaudin  (1634-1712)
   |  |  |  |  |  +--Marguerite Niard  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  +--Anne Gaudin  (-NOV 1705)
   |  |  |     |        +--Jean Boucher  (1521-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     |     +--Jacques-Jean Boucher  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     |     |  +--Francoise Roussin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     |  +--Marin Boucher  (1589-29 MAR 1671)
   |  |  |     |  |  +--Francoise Paigne  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     +--Marie Boucher  (11 APR 1644-1712)
   |  +--Marie-Josette Perron  (31 MAY 1731-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Genevieve Benoit-Abel  (BET 1695 AND 1713-14 NOV 1770)
+--François-Xavier Gauthier  (6 MAR 1788-1890)
|  |  +--Charles Raymond  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Élisabeth Raymond  (-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Madeleine Sincenne  (-UNKNOWN)
Michel Zéphirin Gauthier  (1810-1910)
|  +--Joseph Gariépy  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Anne Gariépy  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Anne Bouille  (-UNKNOWN)


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