Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

         +--Pierre Rivard-Lanouette  (1686-31 AUG 1755)
      +--Joseph Rivard-Lanouette  (10 SEP 1734-6 MAY 1814)
      |  |        +--Thomas Caillia  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |     +--Pierre Caillia  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |     |  +--Florence Gerné  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  +--Pierre Caillia  (1664-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  |  |  +--Antoine Landry  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  |  +--Olive Landry  (1631-MAY 1702)
      |  |  |     +--Andrée Comaillelle  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Marie-Anne Caillia  (20 OCT 1696-NOV 1774)
      |     |  +--René Houré  (1630-JUN 1706)
      |     +--Thérèse Houré  (JUL 1724-24 JUL 1724)
      |        +--Denise Damané  (1641-SEP 1704)
   +--Pierre-Charles Rivard-Lanouette  (19 NOV 1759-UNKNOWN)
   |  |           +--Vincent Gouin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |        +--Mathurin Gouin  (1638-JUN 1713)
   |  |        |  +--Charlotte Gauthier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     +--Joseph Gouin  (1671-SEP 1748)
   |  |     |  |  +--Etienne Vien  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     |  +--Marie-Madeleine Vien  (JAN 1649/50-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     |     |  +--Elie Deneau de la Martinière  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     |     +--Marie Deneau de la Martinière  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |     |        +--Marie Drafondre  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--Joseph Gouin  (1705-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |     +--Michel Roy-Chatellereau  (BEF 1649-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  |  +--Michel Roy-Chatellereau  (1649-JAN 1708/09)
   |  |  |  |  |  +--Louise Chevalier  (BEF 1649-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |  +--Marguerite Roy-Chatellereau  (1683-MAY 1742)
   |  |  |     |  +--Pierre Aubé  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  |     +--Françoise Hobé  (1639-JAN 1708/09)
   |  |  |        +--Françoise Périé  (-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Marie-Catherine Gouin  (17 DEC 1734-DEC 1760)
   |     |  +--Charles Hédouin  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Anne-Catherine Hédouin  (1709-UNKNOWN)
   |        +-- Unknown  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Pierre-Marie Lanouette  (AFT 1787-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Marie-Josephte Duclos  (WFT Est 1738-1762-WFT Est 1781-1850)
Sophie Lanouette  (AFT 1813-UNKNOWN)
+--Angèle Mayrand  (-UNKNOWN)


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