+--Louis Mayrand (BET 1815 AND 1825-UNKNOWN) Marie Eutychianne Mayrand (-UNKNOWN) | +--Francois Gautier (BEF 1684-UNKNOWN) | +--Jacques Gautier (AFT 1705-30 JUN 1772) | | | +--Jean Hamel (1652-UNKNOWN) | | +--Ursule Elisabeth Hamel (1684-19 JAN 1738/39) | | | +--Rene Gaudry (-UNKNOWN) | | | +--Jacques Gaudry (-1637) | | | | +--Leonarde Blondeau (-BEF 1644) | | | +--Nicolas Gaudry (1621-1669) | | | | +--Charlotte Chevalier (1601-UNKNOWN) | | +--Christine Charlotte Gaudry (-17 SEP 1729) | | | +--Claude Morin (-UNKNOWN) | | | +--Noel Morin (1616-1680) | | | | +--Jeanne Moreau (-UNKNOWN) | | +--Marie Agnès Madeleine Morin (1641-30 AUG 1687) | | | +--Pierre Desportes (-UNKNOWN) | | +--Hélène Desportes (1620-UNKNOWN) | | +--Françoise Langlois (-UNKNOWN) | +--Jacques Gauthier (-UNKNOWN) | | +--Marie-Anne Lefebvre (-19 OCT 1792) | +--Jacques Gauthier (-UNKNOWN) | | +--Marie-Josephte Delisle (-15 DEC 1797) +--Marie-Flore Gauthier (1830-UNKNOWN) +--Rose Delima Mathieu (-UNKNOWN)
Mayrand Family Association
1890 Sutter Street, #105, San Francisco, CA 94115. Phone (415)
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