Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

            +--Leger Mayrand  (ABT 1707-UNKNOWN)
         +--Jean-Baptiste Mayrand  (1733-5 APR 1807)
         |  +--Claudine Couvet  (ABT 1711-UNKNOWN)
      +--George-Étienne Mayrand  (3 SEP 1776-JAN 1872)
      |  |           +--Charles Roy  (ABT 1600-UNKNOWN)
      |  |        +--Pierre Roy  (1638-28 OCT 1721)
      |  |        |  +--Jeanne Boyer  (ABT 1600-UNKNOWN)
      |  |     +--Jacques Roy  (13 MAY 1688-1730)
      |  |     |  |     +--Toussaint Ducharme  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |     |  |  +--Jeanne Ducharme  (ABT 1630-AFT 1657)
      |  |     |  |  |  +--Jacqueline Roy  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |     |  +--Catherine Ducharme  (1647-21 FEB 1718/19)
      |  |     |     +--Anne Lelievre  (ABT 1635-AFT 1657)
      |  |  +--Jacques Roy  (5 APR 1718-16 AUG 1740)
      |  |  |  |  +--Thomas French  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  |  +--Martha-Marquerite French  (22 MAY 1695-ABT 1745)
      |  |  |     +--Marguerite Catlin  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Agathe Roy  (1753-4 JUN 1835)
      |     |           +--Claude Prudhomme  (ABT 1580-UNKNOWN)
      |     |        +--Louis Prudhomme  (1608-2 JUL 1671)
      |     |        |  +--Isabelle Aliomet  (ABT 1580-UNKNOWN)
      |     |     +--Franpcois-Xavier Prudhomme  (2 DEC 1651-23 APR 1741)
      |     |     |  +--Roberte Gadois  (-UNKNOWN)
      |     |  +--Franpcois Prudhomme  (8 DEC 1685-UNKNOWN)
      |     |  |  |  +--Jean Gervaise  (-UNKNOWN)
      |     |  |  +--Cbecile Gervaise  (17 SEP 1671-UNKNOWN)
      |     |  |     +--Anne Archambault  (-UNKNOWN)
      |     +--Francoise Prudhomme  (25 NOV 1720-UNKNOWN)
      |        |  +--Cybord Or Cybar Courault  (-UNKNOWN)
      |        +--Marie Anne Courault  (1689-1 DEC 1778)
      |           +--Marie Francoise Goupil  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Charles-Edouard Mayrand  (3 MAY 1825-14 JUL 1881)
   |  |  +--Hugh Heney  (ABT 1765-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Thérèse Heney  (ABT 1789-1825)
   |     |  +--Pierre Fortier  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Therese Fortier  (ABT 1769-UNKNOWN)
   |        +--Therese Legrand  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Hormidas Mayrand  (ABT 1864-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Francois-Regis Lupien  (2 FEB 1789-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Marie-Denise Lupien  (15 MAR 1827-6 JAN 1889)
|     +--Marie-Louise Duguay  (9 SEP 1793-27 MAY 1868)
Adrienne Mayrand  (12 DEC 1896-2 JUL 1987)
+--Anna Milot  (-UNKNOWN)


This page made available by the Mayrand Family Assocation, a California Non-Profit Corporation.  We need your help, add your family, translate a page or two, help us correct errors.  Join our very small mailing list.

Mayrand Family Association
1890 Sutter Street, #105, San Francisco, CA 94115. Phone (415) 929-8599
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