Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

      +--Jacques Leblond  (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
   +--Jacques Leblond dit Bellegarde  (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Marie Roger  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Jean-Baptiste Leblond dit Bellegarde  (5 FEB 1771-UNKNOWN)
|  |              +--Honoré Mayrand  (ABT 1580-AFT 1632)
|  |           +--Pierre-Honoré Mayrand  (1608-UNKNOWN)
|  |           |  +--Marie Artault  (1583-BEF 11 JAN 1632/33)
|  |        +--Pierre Mayrand  (ABT 1638-26 NOV 1684)
|  |        |  +--Françoise Mercier  (1616-8 JAN 1681/82)
|  |     +--Louis Mayrand  (BEF 1780-17 SEP 1716)
|  |     |  +--Jeanne Renaud  (ABT 1640-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Pierre Mayrand  (4 JUL 1711-18 DEC 1741)
|  |  |  |        +--Jacques Sauvageau  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |  |     +--Jean Sauvageau  (21 JUL 1600-12 SEP 1662)
|  |  |  |     |  +--Renée Coypeau  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |  |  +--Claude Sauvageau  (10 MAY 1643-19 APR 1694)
|  |  |  |  |  +--Madeleine Ouvre  (ABT 1604-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |  +--Marie Sauvageau  (BEF 1670-4 JUN 1750)
|  |  |     |  +--Isaac Legendre  (1610-WFT Est 1630-1710)
|  |  |     +--Jeanne Legendre  (1636-1 MAR 1713/14)
|  |  |        +--Claude Lentonne  (1610-WFT Est 1630-1716)
|  +--Charlotte Mayrand  (ABT 1735-UNKNOWN)
|     |     +--Jean*aptiste Perrier  (ABT 1641-BEF 1682)
|     |  +--Jean-Jacques Pérrier  (-BEF 1736)
|     |  |  |  +--Pierre Daire  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |  |  +--Marie Gaillar  (1647-12 JUL 1736)
|     |  |     +--Marie Gallard ou Martin  (-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Marie-Marthe Perrier dit Poirier  (OCT 1712-NOV 1757)
|        |        +--Jean Paré  (-UNKNOWN)
|        |     +--Jean Paré  (1654-UNKNOWN)
|        |     |  +--Suzanne Cloquet  (ABT 1631-UNKNOWN)
|        |  +--Jean Paré  (15 AUG 1653-5 MAR 1733/34)
|        |  |  +--Suzanne Cloquet  (ABT 1631-UNKNOWN)
|        +--Marguerite Paré  (17 JUN 1683-UNKNOWN)
|           |     +--Gabriel Picard  (ABT 1590-ABT 1627)
|           |  +--Huque Picard dit Lafortune  (ABT 1627-22 DEC 1707)
|           |  |  +--Michelle Clavier  (ABT 1600-UNKNOWN)
|           +--Marguerite Picard  (1646-18 JAN 1726/27)
|              |  +--Philippe DeLiercourt  (ABT 1582-UNKNOWN)
|              +--Antoinette DeLiercourt  (ABT 1630-30 SEP 1707)
|                 +--Jeanne Palin  (-UNKNOWN)
François-Xavier Leblond  (11 JUN 1801-7 AUG 1860)
|              +--François Lemay  (-UNKNOWN)
|           +--Michel Lemay  (1630-UNKNOWN)
|           |  +--Marie Gaschet  (-UNKNOWN)
|        +--Joseph Lemay  (1661-1707)
|        |  +--Marie Duteau  (21 AUG 1639-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Ignace Lemay  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |  |        +--Rene Gaudry  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |  |     +--Jacques Gaudry  (-1637)
|     |  |     |  +--Leonarde Blondeau  (-BEF 1644)
|     |  |  +--Nicolas Gaudry  (1621-1669)
|     |  |  |  +--Charlotte Chevalier  (1601-UNKNOWN)
|     |  +--Agnès Madeleine Gaudry  (19 NOV 1667-1713)
|  +--Jacques Lemay  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |     +--Noel Lecomte  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |  +--Samuel Lecomte  (1667-1715)
|  |  |  |  +--Françoise Letellier  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Marie Anne Lecomte  (5 MAR 1700/01-AUG 1739)
|  |     |     +--Jacques Jobidon  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |     |  +--Louis Jobidon  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |     |  |  +--Michelle Vrament  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |     +--Anne Jobidon  (1669-1703)
|  |        |  +--Robert Deligny  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |        +--Marie Deligny  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |           +--Marie Tache (De La  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Marie-Anne Lemay dit Delorme  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Marie Josephte Latour  (-UNKNOWN)


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