Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

+--André Pougnet  (20 NOV 1814-13 JAN 1887)
Rosine Pougnet  (15 JUL 1857-4 DEC 1939)
|     +--François Fayolle  (19 NOV 1730-8 NOV 1802)
|  +--Jean-Jacques Fayolle  (24 OCT 1775-7 FEB 1854)
|  |  |     +--Pierre Mayrand  (-18 JUN 1755)
|  |  |  +--Jacques Mayrand  (BEF 1766-1766)
|  |  |  |  +-- Unknown  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Marie Mayrand  (5 APR 1736-7 FEB 1854)
|  |     |  +--Noah Jouve  (-9 MAR 1747/48)
|  |     +--Marguerite Jouve  (ABT 1715-6 JAN 1766)
|  |        +--Marguerite Unknown  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Anne Fayolle  (24 MAR 1823-6 DEC 1905)
   |  +--Etienne Jouve  (25 DEC 1742-16 MAR 1810)
   +--Marianne Jouve  (14 FEB 1786-2 FEB 1858)
      |     +--Jean Jouve  (-5 JAN 1757)
      |  +--André Jouve  (24 SEP 1731-8 JAN 1807)
      |  |  |     +--Michel Pellet  (-16 SEP 1710)
      |  |  |  +--Jean Pellet  (27 JUL 1669-17 AUG 1752)
      |  |  |  |  +--Gabrielle Bernard  (-UNKNOWN)
      |  |  +--Jeanne Pellet  (-14 SEP 1741)
      |  |     |  +--Gabriel Chaix  (-30 MAR 1687)
      |  |     +--Louise Chaix  (-18 JUL 1737)
      |  |        +--Jeanne Brugail  (-16 JAN 1707/08)
      +--Marianne Jouve  (1 DEC 1759-17 AUG 1818)
         |     +--Jean Gourdon  (17 AUG 1722-UNKNOWN)
         |  +--Jacques Gourdon  (10 JAN 1673/74-UNKNOWN)
         |  |  |  +--Antoine Aubert  (-UNKNOWN)
         |  |  +--Jeanne Aubert  (19 FEB 1713/14-UNKNOWN)
         |  |     +--Marguerite Redond  (-UNKNOWN)
         +--Marie-Anne Gourdon  (2 JUN 1727-5 APR 1804)
            +--Marie Fayolle  (-UNKNOWN)


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1890 Sutter Street, #105, San Francisco, CA 94115. Phone (415) 929-8599
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