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This site chronicles the Mayrand family from 1583 through 300 years in North America, and more than other 11,000 families from 1102 through hundreds of years in North America and Europe. We also explore genral topics of genealogy, heritage, names, and cultures.

Are you member of the The Mayrand family? Do you wonder who are they and were they come from? You can get some idea of where we live now from the list of households by country. Pierre Mayrand was among the early colonists who left Ars-en-Re, Ile de Re, France in 1648-1660 for New France.

Julie Mayrand is now adding all the names contained in "Genealogie Des Familles Mayrand", researched and written by Jean-Guy Savageau, ptre. Father Savageau did his research before 1988. Father Savageau did his work the hard way, research, look up, travel, send for records and then to index cards. His work was done over many years without the Internet, CD's and without a computer program.  The computer now allows us to prints reports, exchange data  and to make books in a few hours. Julie Mayrand has acquired the last copy of his book. Soon you will see, on this web site, Father Savageau's picture, family crest and all the photos from his wonderful book.

We would like to hear from other members of the family and collect what genealogical data we can. To help you and other researchers we have put our family tree on line. With the surname list it is quick and easy to check names. We have the family tree on the World Family Tree site in other forms. Follow the links below to travel the world of the Mayrand Family.

As time permits we will put different versions of the entire data base on the family web site. So send us an email, fax or snail mail with what ever data and corrections you can. Join your cousins and contribute your family tree. Don't forget to tell the aunts, mom and Dad.

FamilyTreeMaker's Mayrand Association Page - With Online Family Tree


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